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Company stamp (company seal) — used to validate official documents, like contracts, certificates, deeds, etc. Company seals contain the name and registration number of the company. Your company secretary is in charge of keeping and using it. One of the the requirements to open a bank account in Nigeria is the corporate stamp or seal PRE-INKED STAMP The pre-inked stamp utilises the latest Flash Technology wh ...

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Buy Personal Protective Equipment in Lagos Nigeria

Protection while working even for the most petty and insignificant of works is a requirement, because any mis-happening due to negligence while working can be disastrous. The dangers from which personal protective gear can keep away from are physical, electrical, heat, chemicals and bio hazards matter. However, the best equipment is priced very high and with regards to buy equipment for personal protection, ...

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Difference Between Trademark Registration and Company Registration.

Please, note that registration of Trademarks is quite different from registration of legal entities (business names, companies, partnerships, churches and other organisations) and equally regulated by different government agencies/bodies. The registration/incorporation of legal entities (business names, companies, partnerships and churches etc) is handled by the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) with its h ...

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CAC no longer requires proficiency certificate to register your business

The Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) says it has removed proficiency certificate from its list of requirements for business registration. The commission said the removal is part of its reform initiatives and review of its checklist and guidelines. “Under the new arrangement, members of the public do not have to submit proficiency certificate to the commission for registration of companies, business names ...

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How to Register a business online with CAC

Registering a business with CAC in Nigeria is now possible online. Though one does not need a lawyer and accountant to register their businesses online with CAC unfortunately many people start and get stuck along the way. So if you are not very internet savvy, it is advisable you contract an agency to register it for you. But if you are ready to learn, let's start. STEPS TO REGISTERING YOUR COMPANY/ BUSINES ...

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Apply For Tony Elumelu Foundation Entrepreneurship Programme 2018

The Tony Elumelu Foundation (TEF) is now accepting applications for business ideas that can transform Africa. The Programme, in its 4th cycle, is Tony Elumelu Foundation’s 10-year, $100 million commitment to identify, train, mentor and fund 10,000 African entrepreneurs by 2024. 1,000 entrepreneurs will be selected based on the viability of their idea, including: market opportunity; financial understanding; ...

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How to Check if a Company is Registered in Nigeria with CAC

Before falling for scams which might cause you huge financial losses, ensure you have done enough research on that particular company before striking any business deal with the company. One of the necessary step is to find out if the business is a registered business or company in Nigeria. To do this is simple since it went digital in 2016. There are two websites that can help you check if a company or NGO ...

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How to Get your TIN in Nigeria

Are you a Nigerian citizen working for a private organization or with the government. You own a business or you have the intention to start one? It is important that you know what a tax identification number is, and not only know but you also possess one. A lot of small business owners believe that registrating their companies, business names with the CAC is all they need to be known as serious business men ...

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Requirements for Opening a Corporate Bank Account in Nigeria

For prospective business owners, opening a bank account for the entity is a foregone conclusion. While different banks have slightly different procedures for opening a corporate account, the basic requirements still remain the same across board. This is a list of compulsory documents you’ll need. Board Resolution: All banks require that a resolution from the Board of Directors (or Proprietors, as the case m ...

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Do you plan to register a trademark in Nigeria? Then here are few things you need to know about trademarks and how trademark registration is done in Nigeria. We will also introduce you to a trademark registration agency in Nigeria that will help you simplify the complexity of registering a trademark in Nigeria. Please know that there is a difference between company registration and trademark registration WH ...

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